高分奖励,英译汉,关于箱包的要求 Design Specifications

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Item Number = AP-02:

物品编号 = AP-02

1. 1200D material

1. 1200D 材料

2. Fibre Glass Honey comb body

2. 玻璃纤维蜂形隆起身体(不太确定有点专业了)

3. 5 pc set = 32”/29”/26”/20” + 14” Beauty Bag with rear strip to attach with trolley handle

3.5中设置 = 32/29/26/20+14 漂亮的袋子后面设有手握推把

4. 3 colours = All Black + Front Red/Body Black + All Dark Grey

4. 三种颜色 = 全黑 + 前面红/身体黑 + 全深棕色

5. Side bump Protection as shown in pictures

5. 侧面撞击保护措施,如图.

6. Corner Piping protection for all corners as shown in pictures

6. 侧角边的保护措施,全部角都要有,如图.

7. Silver coloured metal based zippers #10

7. 银色材质的金属拉链 #10

8. Hardened Transparent Rubber handles with metal hooks as shown in pictures

8. 坚固透明的橡胶扶手和金属挂钩,如图.

9. Internal Lining 210D, Low poison - Dark Grey with Silver Logo Imprint

9. 内部垫 210D, 低毒的 - 深棕色和银色的版权图标

10. The depth of honeycomb mould for the 32” case is 25.5 cm the rest will follow down from that. The dept marked in pictures. It is the depth from zipper to base on side.

10. 蜂形隆起的模型深度对应32案例的是25.5厘米,剩下的就按照这个尺度比例计算, 深度的程度依照图片里的标识. 它是从拉链到底部的深度

11. All sizes expandable to 30 % of respective bag mould depth

11. 每个包包模型的深度按其尺寸扩大百分之30

12. Metal based combination lock for each pc except beauty bag

12. 金属底部复合锁伪码除去漂亮包包其他都要有.

13. PVC sheet at rear as shown in pictures

13. PVC纸背面要有,依据图片

14. Large tractor wheels C Transparent

13. 大的滑轮 - 透明

15. Internal Trolley system with clear plastic PP handles and silver colour trolley as shown in pictures

15. 内部推把系统要明显塑料PP把手和银色的推把,依图片.

16. Side logo strip as shown in pictures

16. 旁边的标签依照图片

17. Extension support at base as shown in pictures.

17. 底部支撑加长的部分依据图片

Item Number = AP-202:

物品编号 = AP-202

1. 600D material

1. 600D材料

2. Fibre Glass Honey comb body

2. 玻璃纤维蜂式隆起身体

3. 4 pc set = 32”/29”/26”/20”

3. 4个规格 = 32”/29”/26”/20”

4. 3 colours = All Black + Front Royal Blue(Black Zippers)/Body Black + All Navy/Bottom Pc Burgundy

4. 三种颜色 = 全黑 + 贵族蓝(黑拉链)/身体要黑色 + 全海军色/Pc Burgundy底部.

5. Black coloured zippers #10

5. 黑色拉链 #10

6. Black Rubber handles with metal hooks as shown in pictures

6. 黑色橡胶扶手和金属挂钩,依图

7. Internal Lining 210D, Low poison - Dark Grey with Silver Logo Imprint

7. 内部垫 210D, 低毒, 深棕色和银色版权标签.

8. The depth of honeycomb mould for the 32” case is 25.5 cm the rest will follow down from that. The depth marked in pictures. It is the depth from zipper to base on side.

8. 蜂形隆起的模型深度对应32案例的是25.5厘米,剩下的就按照这个尺度比例计算, 深度的程度依照图片里的标识. 它是从拉链到底部的深度

9. All sizes expandable to 30 % of respective bag mould depth

9. 每个包包模型的深度按其尺寸扩大百分之30

10. Metal based combination lock for each pc

10. 金属底部复合锁伪码每个都要有

11. PVC sheet at rear as shown in pictures

11. PVC纸背面要有,依据图片

12. Large tractor wheels C Transparent

12. 大的滑轮 - 透明

13. Internal Trolley system with Black plastic PP handles and Black colour trolley as shown in pictures

13. 内部推把系统要黑色塑料PP把手和黑色的推把,依图片.

14. Extension support at base as shown in pictures
